155 Earthquakes in Japan, 13 dead: 100 buildings destroyed due to fire at various places.

155 Earthquakes in Japan, 13 dead: 100 buildings destroyed due to fire at various places.

155 Earthquakes in Japan, 13 dead: 100 buildings destroyed due to fire at various places.

Earthquakes in Japan: On New Year’s Day, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake killed 13 people in Ishikawa, Japan. The Japan Meteorological Department (JMA) has reported 155 earthquakes since Monday. The intensity of all was 3.4–4.6.

The death toll from the earthquake is very high, Prime Minister Fumiya Kishida said. Kishida said that there were fires in many places, due to which hundreds of buildings were burnt to ashes. Japan’s Defense Minister said that a thousand soldiers have been sent to rescue the people buried under the debris.

More lives have to be saved because time is very short. 32,500 households are without electricity in Ishikawa. BBC reported that there is no electricity in 19 hospitals, due to which treatment of people has become difficult. Also, earthquake warning has been issued in Ishikawa region of Japan.

Earthquakes in Japan

Japan’s king canceled New Year’s celebrations.

Japan’s King Naruhito attended a New Year’s party in Tokyo with his family. However, the event was canceled to pay tribute to the Ishikawa earthquake victims. Every year the royal family of Japan comes to the balcony of the palace and wishes for the New Year. This tradition has been going on for years.

The Indian Embassy has set up an emergency control room to help the earthquake victims. Earlier, the embassy had also released e-mail IDs and numbers. These are: +81-80-3930-1715, +81-70-1492-0049, +81-80-3214-4734, +81-80-6229-5382, +81-80-3214-4722.

Doctors are unable to reach patients.

Treatment of people injured by earthquake is becoming difficult. The reason for this is that due to the earthquake many roads have been broken and doctors could not be found in the affected areas. According to a report, Japanese Air Force helicopters are now sending doctors to the affected areas. This is also hindering the delivery of essential goods.

Earthquakes in Japan

Highest tsunami alert returned in Japan.

After Monday’s earthquake in Japan, there was fear of a tsunami here. Waves about 1.2 meters (4 ft) high reached the town of Wajima. However, on Tuesday morning the government withdrew the tsunami order. The threat of high waves may return again, so beachgoers have been asked not to return home for now.

Japan is located in the Ring of Fire.

Earthquakes plague Japan. Earthquakes keep happening here because it is near the junction of two tectonic plates. Ishikawa Prefecture, where the earthquake occurred, is close to a horseshoe-shaped series of seismic fault lines around the ocean.

Earthquakes in Japan

The Ring of Fire consists of continental plates along with oceanic tectonic plates. An earthquake occurs when these plates collide. Due to these, tsunamis and volcanoes also erupt. 90% of earthquakes occur in the Ring of Fire. This area is 40 thousand kilometers. 75% of the active volcanoes worldwide are in this region. 15 countries are within the Bolivian Ring of Fire: Japan, Russia, Philippines, Indonesia, New Zealand, Antarctica, Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Chile.

Recent Earthquake in the world.

Earthquake in Ladakh: Intensity measured at 4.5 on Richter scale.

Earthquake in China at Gansu and Qinghai : 6.2 Magnitude, 111 Fatalities, over 200 Injured; Impact in Pakistan as well.

Why Do Earthquakes Happen.

Earthquake in Bihar: Strong earthquake in Bihar shook the capital Patna and many districts.


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